Farm Management-Different Farm Rental Information

The Extension Farm Management Program provides research-based farm business management information, resources, and decision-making tools to farmers and agribusinesses to improve business profitability and lifestyles through informed decision-making.

Topics include:

  • Ag Pricing & Contracts
  • Budgets & Benchmarks
  • Financials
  • Business Development, Transition, & Succession
  • Policy, Markets, & Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Safety & Health

Land Rental, Pasture Rental, and Building Agreements

Ag Lease 101 is a great way to get started creating a lease that works for landowners and land operators. The website offers publications to guide on how to create leases and draft/example lease forms to use for pasture, cropland, buildings/livestock facilities, purchasing/leasing farm equipment, livestock rentals  It is a product of the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee.

Custom Rate Guide

The 2020 Wisconsin Custom Rate Guide was compiled by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Wisconsin Field Office, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, the University of Wisconsin-Extension, and the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  The figures are based on reports by farmers who hired custom work, custom operators and farmers who performed custom work, and machinery dealers who rented out equipment. There were 707 reports compiled.

Included are statewide average rates and typical ranges for those averages. The rates and ranges in this release are based on actual reported data and should not be viewed as official estimates. The ranges provided for each custom operation encompass at least 90 percent of the reported values. Rates are typically influenced by fuel costs, soil conditions, topography, field size and shape, traditional practices in an area, and type, age, and availability of equipment. Price changes for machinery, fuel, and labor should be taken into account when using this 2017 data for subsequent years.

Cash Rental Rates

Land rental values, click here to see different counties information-  Ag Land Pricing & Contracts – Farm Management (

National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Quick Stats. You can find more details on their website here:

Wisconsin Agricultural Land Prices

A Wisconsin Agricultural Land Prices Report indicates Wisconsin land values remain strong.  The Wisconsin Land Values report offers an interactive map that shows estimated 2019 agricultural land values at the township level based on the analysis of almost 9,000 real estate transactions between 2009 and 2019. The model used to generate those estimates for cropland values takes into account the location, year, and the mixture of land uses of each transaction.

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